Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First New Construction in Four Years

We spent the majority of the Presidents Holiday weekend at home in Gatlinburg on The Ridge.  We did take a short day trip over to Zelda to bring the dining room table and chairs.  The set really looks great staged in the dining room at Zelda.  You can click on the link here http://restoringzelda.blogspot.com/ or at the top right of this page to view the dining room.

The girls came over to The Ridge on Friday evening and stayed until Sunday afternoon.  We sure did have a great time with them.  Brent was able to install a couple sheets of sheet rock on the dining room side of the wall that separates the bathroom from the dining room.  It sure seemed like it would be easy, but after learning a lot of code enforcement issues while working at Zelda, Saturday was spent fixing items that had been constructed back in 2007.  We were able to get the two (2) pieces installed and Brent did admit to making a few bad cuts for the receptacles.  Oh well, as he learned for the Workmans at Zelda, a little mud will fix anything a make a sheet rock installer look great.

We were very excited to start putting things back together at the The Ridge and look forward to starting the kitchen.  We did not have any snow this weekend at The Ridge but we did run into snow Monday night upon our return to Maryland.

Jessica helping with preparing the wall for sheet rock by holding the hammer and posing for the picture.
The wall has been in this stage since 2007.  The picture hanging on the wall makes the area look nicer.
One lesson Brent learned was that no junction box could be hidden in the wall.  Also, for some reason, the mixing valve was originally not supported by wood in 2007.
Finally some progress in new construction.  We sort of miss the exposed wiring and pipes.
Notice those precision cuts Brent made for the receptacles.  Looks like a lot of mud and elbow grease in the near future.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back to The Ridge

We will be heading down to The Ridge early Friday morning.  Looks like we will load up the duncan phyfe dining room set and bring over to Zelda in Kings Mountain.  Depending on the weather, we may drive over and back to Zelda on Friday.  We are going to use the dining room set to stage the dining room at Zelda.  We also picked up a few other items at the thrift store in Maryland to stage at Zelda.  We have decided on our new real estate agent for Zelda and all the information will be posted at the Zelda site.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Quick Trip to The Ridge

After interviewing prospective real estate agents in North Carolina for Zelda, we arrived at BBR on Friday evening, February 4, 2011.  Jennifer and Jessica were already at the Ridge waiting for Cookie's arrival.  We were all tired as we left Maryland at 2:00 am Friday morning and had not slept during the day. 

Saturday was more of a recovery day, but we did drag the streets of Gatlinburg before heading back to the Ridge to eat supper.

We woke up Sunday morning to an unexpected blanket of snow.  At least there was no shoveling required as the sun was out and the driveway and roads were clear when we headed down the mountain around 1:00 pm.