Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Animal Sighting

With JoLynn and Cookie down in Louisiana all week, Brent made the trip over to The Ridge on Thursday evening.  In passing the Oconaluftee visitor center just outside Cherokee, there was a large herd of elk grazing in the large open field.  A lot of cars were pulled over on both sides of the road with people standing everywhere taking pictures as one large buck with huge antlers was sitting near the road.

Returning from a trip to Lowe's to get sheet rock, a covey (or is it flock) of turkeys was on the road below The Ridge.  Between 6 and 8 turkeys were just leisurely strolling in the road.  After arriving at The Ridge and bring the second of three pieces of sheet rock up the 39 steps, Brent was shadowed by a medium size bear.  This bear was walking up by the house and was about 10 feet away when Brent spotted him (or her).  After a short stand-off the bear quickly went in front of the house and headed up hill on the bear path.

Brent was able to sheet rock the downstairs wall that is the base of the stairway and looks forward to the joys of applying the mud and sanding..  Slowly but surely the 1960's paneling is disappearing.

Yesterday morning, the girls spotted the ma-ma bear with two of her three cubs.

Before installing the sheet rock.

After installing the sheet rock.  The balusters and handrail remain to be installed.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Unto These Hills

With JoLynn down in Louisiana for the week, Brent and the girls headed over to Cherokee, NC on Saturday.  The girls had never been to the outdoor drama of Unto These Hills, so that was to be remedied.  The drama tells the story of the Cherokee Nation, with the main focus on the trail of tears to Oklahoma.  Also included was a trip to the Jarrett House in Dillsboro, NC for dinner.

The trip started off in the rain but stopped after we reached Cherokee.  The top on the convertible was lowered and off we headed to Dillsboro.  The night was clear and cool but just towards the end of the play, we got a few sprinkles of rain.  Heading back across the park to the Ridge, the Smoky Mountains lived up to their name.
Just outside of Cherokee, we stopped at the Mingus Mill in the park.  To say it was raining was an understatement.

Another view of Mingus Mill.

Near the beginning of the water flume.

Driving up to the Jarrett House.

Jessica and Jennifer in front of the Jarrett House.

The main entree's we ordered today were catfish, fired chicken and chicken & dumplings.  The meal is served family style so we had numerous sides.

After arriving at the venue, we have to find our seats.

Well we found our seats.

The drama started in the twilight at 8:00 pm.
and the drama ends in darkness around 10:00 pm.  This scene is the Eagle Dance.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Latest Conley/ Family Member

We have been on cloud nine since finding out on July 13th (last Friday) that Renee and Greg are expecting their first child, or should I say our first grandchild.  Renee has been feeling the temporary ill effects of the early stages of pregnancy which we hope will pass shortly.  Prior to informing us, the expecting couple went to the doctor and obtained some pictures of the "Newest Conley".

Oh the baby looks just like...............

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Anchors Aweigh

Our nephew Ben is currently on his way to the Navy boot camp in  Great Lakes, Illinois.   He is flying into to Chicago today from New Orleans and tonight will be his first night of boot camp.  The link Navy Boot Camp  shows a typical process of recruits at the Navy Facility and what Ben will be experiencing over the next eight (8) weeks.   After boot camp he will be stationed in Connecticut as he enters the submarine program.

We are all so proud that he has chosen to serve our country and look forward to hearing of his accomplishments and adventures.  Please remember him in your prayers.

At the bon voyage party on Saturday, Len, Ben, Kathy and Leyton enjoy some time together.  Ben did shave his beard before leaving but will let the barber have a good time shaving his hair.

Ben heading off to an exciting future.  Hey Ben, the Navy is the door on the left...turn to your left.  Oh I sure hope he is not in the Army now.  We will let everyone know later if Ben is sailing the high seas or digging foxholes.

Monday, July 16, 2012


This weekend we took down three (3) large evergreen trees by the driveway that were not green.  One (1) of the trees has a little kudzu in the top so the battle continue.  We did spray the kudzu again, including the neighbors, and the kudzu is currently in retreat from our property.

Brent would wrap a cable around the tree and hook the other end to the jeep.
To control the location of the fall, the base of the tree was tethered to prevent the tree from going downhill onto the road.
After making the cuts, the jeep was used to pull and direct the location for the tree to fall.

It is great when a plan works and comes together.

Cutting the stump lower.

TIMBER!  The second tree is felled.

Cutting the final tree.  Take note that all three (3) trees cut down were tethered.

The third tree falling.

Final tree on the ground right next to the driveway.  I wonder where those gloves are?

A view of the felled trees next to the driveway.

Some of the kudzu which came down with the final tree.  

What absolute precision detailed engineering planning and cutting skills that allowed our statue survived.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cow Appreciation Day - Chic-Fil-A Style

On our way up to the Ridge today, we realized it was cow appreciation day, so if you dressed in cow gear you received a free entree at Chic-fil-a.  We donned our cow shirts and stopped by four (4) stores on our way to the Ridge.

Once we go to the Ridge, we received a call from Greg in Evansville, IN.  Great news.  Renee and Greg are expecting their first child and our first grandchild.  Everyone is very excited.

The expecting couple

JoLynn expecting to get a free entree at our forth stop.

Stopping at the Gap expecting a great view.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shoney's Big Boy

Jennifer and Jessica stumbled upon the mama bear with her three (3) cubs near the mailbox on Monday.  The girls were in the car and stated that the mama bear just set in the middle of the road and would not move as the three cubs played in the trees.

This week's Gatlinburg building is  Shoney's.   Not sure if Shoney's still advertises the big boy, but I do remember the statue outside of the front door of a boy smiling and holding a plate with a hamburger over his head.

Oh yea, I did find a picture on the internet.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bear Sightings

Well, so far this week we have had four (4) bear sightings at Blackbearry Ridge.  On Friday morning, Cookie woke us up as a bear was in front of the house.  Brent woke up Conley and Stella (along with the rest of the Birmingham crew) to see the visitor.  It turned out to be General Kudzu.  The bear stayed outside for a while and even lounged around the downstairs bedroom window, such that Conley and Stella got a very up close view.

Then about thirty minutes later, a mother bear with three (3) cubs ventured by the ridge and put on a good show in the woods on the side of the house.  The cubs were climbing the trees and their coordination is not up to par which is really funny.

Just now on Saturday afternoon, we just had a visit from a different black bear.  This one made a circle of the house and then headed up the hill.  Most of the bears come down the path next to house an usually go down hill.  He later came back by the house and then headed down the hill.

Conley looking at the bear (General Kudzu) on Friday morning.

A new bear that showed up on the Ridge Saturday afternoon.

This is the bear that circled the house,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Surviving the Storm

Little did we know what awaited us Thursday evening.  Our day was spent eating at Fuddrucker's in Sevierville, hitting the streets of Gatlinburg, boarding the Titanic and riding out the storm.    After enjoying lunch in Sevierville, we tried to purchase tickets for the Titanic exhibit.  It appears that the Titanic crew does not let locals board until after 5:00 pm (locals get a deep discount on the price).

Part of our crew headed back to Blackbearry Ridge to nap while another part hit the parkway in Gatlinburg. During the afternoon Brent and Conley headed to the Parkway and went to Ripley's Haunted Adventure and Ripleys Believe It or Not, hit the arcade at Fannie Farkels' and grabbed some candy at Aunt Mahalias'.  Then the two (2) met Jessica at Ranger Bobs as she ended her shift and the trio headed to the Titanic to meet the rest of the gang.

Out of a premonition, Becky, Brent, JoLynn and Stella did not board the Titanic, but instead headed to the Old Time Pottery while the rest of the group ignored all the warnings and took sail on the Titanic.  About an hour into the voyage, a huge and violent storm descended on East Tennessee, as all those on board were unaware of the danger.  The group at Old Time Pottery watched as the storm rolled in, the winds became strong and the rain fell in buckets.

Shortly thereafter, Brent received a distress call from Rebecca inside the Titanic as she informed him that all power was out in the ship and they were floundering in total darkness.  We had power inside the shop and soon all met for dinner in Piegon Forge before heading back to Blackbearry Ridge.

This time Jessica and Conley headed back to Gatlinburg to go to Ripley s' Mirror Maze and Ripley's Moving Theater, while the rest of us headed back to blacked out Blackbearry Ridge.  Yep, we did not have power at Blackbearry Ridge because of the storm.  Luckily, the temperature had dropped so it was not unbearable but we were glad to have the power back around 1:00 am.

The area did sustain some high wind and violent lighting and two (2) people were killed by falling trees while camping in the park.

Boarding the funicular that takes you to the funeral parlor at the Haunted Adventures.

Conley playing skee ball at Fannie Farkels'
Conley is ready to throw again!

Conley eating candy outside of Aunt  Mahalia's.
That candy sure is good.

The moon rises over Mt. Le Conte.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stella Gets Her Groove Back

Stella was unable to make it to the parade early this morning because it did not start until 12:01 am on July 4 th.  Armed with a good restful nights sleep, Stella was ready to tackle the town of Gatlinburg.

Shopping in Aunt Mahalia's Stella searches for the right piece of candy.

Success!  Like an Olympic champion, Stella holds up her perfect selection.

An employee assists Stella in the opening of the candy.

Stella decides to ride a bear while eating her candy.

After finishing her first piece of candy, Stella inspects the taffy at Ole Smoky Mountain Kitchen.

To work off the candy, Stella pushes the floating ball at Ripleys.

After eating dinner at Mellowmushroom, Stella enjoys ice cream at Berkshires.

From the expression the ice cream was delicious.