Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Holiday Felt More Like Labor Day

We had an early start to the holiday as Brent did not have to work on Wednesday, so with a quick pack, we left on Tuesday evening and got to The Ridge around 9:00 pm.  It rained the entire time and driving on highway 441 through the park, it was very foggy.  Passing Newfound Gap, the visibility was very low but soon cleared up.

On Wednesday, we headed into Sevierville to get some materials at Lowes and/or Home Depot but we did stop by the thrift stores near downtown.  We did score a 1920s to 1930s club chair at the Salvation Army with plans to have it recovered.  Brent started removing the stair treads and risers on the stairs to measure the height of the riser cutout on the stringers.  Needless to say that they are not the same height and we will have to height to each riser.  The the nails were removed from the stair treads and replaced with screws so we could continue to use the stairs.  The girls arrived from UT in the afternoon and stayed until Sunday afternoon.  We celebrated their belated 22 nd birthday that night.

On Thursday, the chalet was filled with the delicious smells of the Thanksgiving meal.  We used the smoker to prepare the turkey and side dishes consisted of corn bread dressing, gravy, acorn squash casserole, broccoli casserole, cranberries, rolls and a ham.  Jennifer made a pumpkin pie for desert.  While Lynn and the girls were preparing the meal, Brent was on the roof installing the amplified HDTV antenna.  While on the roof, he also cleaned the gutters of leaves for the second time this season.  After stuffing ourselves with food for lunch, the installation of the antenna was complete and we went from 12 channels to 20 channels.  We did pick up an ABC channel which we had been missing.  Still no Knoxville channels as all the tv stations are out of the tri-city area in Bristol, TN.

On Friday, JoLynn, Jessica and Brent headed into Sevierville around 3:00 am to participate in the black Friday mayhem.  Jennifer and Cookie decided to sleep in at the chalet.  After fighting the crowds and getting some bargains we were back at The Ridge by 8:30 am.  Brent ran some electrical wiring and installed a new can light in the stairway which really improved the visibility of the stairs at night.  As usual, during the course of installing the light, we needed to make another trip to Lowes.

On Saturday, JoLynn and the girls headed into town in the morning for some additional shopping.  Brent stayed at The Ridge and installed the plastic window film over the windows in the upstairs bedrooms and did the final blowing of the leaves.  He also figured on each riser height being 7-3/16" and then drew a line next to the stringer on the wall for each riser. 

On Sunday, we awoke to a lot a wind as the edge of the front was near Gatlinburg.  We went to Church and then returned for the final attack of the leftovers.  Everyone left The Ridge by 2:30 pm.  We had a great time with everyone during the week.  Plans for the upcoming three (3) weekends will continue to attack the stairway.  Next weekend Brent has a goal to increase the height of each riser and install the skirtboards.  If time allows, some sheetrock will be installed.

Happy Birthday to.........................................

With the dining room furniture being staged at Zelda, this year we set a mean coffee table.

The space-aged amplified HDTV antenna is installed.  It also rotates.

Taking off the risers and stair treads, making measurements (see outline of stairs on paper) and then temporarily  reinstalling treads using screws.

Watch your step.  But there is not step!!

Running the electrical wiring for the new stairway light.

After a small amount of modification, the light is installed.

The club chair purchased for $20 from Salvation Army in Sevierville.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Evansville or Bust - 22 x 2

We made the trip up and back from Evansville with no problems.  We left mid-morning on Friday, and having good weather to drive up to Indiana, we stop at a couple of thrift stores.  One just outside of Atlanta, and the other is in Evansville.  Needless to say, we were able to find some treasures at both stores.

We had a good but short visit with Greg and Renee.  They both had to work on Friday and Saturday, so we arrived Friday afternoon and went out to eat at a Greek restaurant. which was great.  Cookie made the trip and enjoyed her time with Annie.  Saturday, while the kids were working we headed off to obtain the final ingredients for the "Pre-Thanksgiving dinner later that night.  Of course, since we were in the neighborhood, we did happen to return to the thrift store.  After running around from store to store in the morning and returning to the apratment to take the dogs out and put the turkey in the oven, we proceeded on our quest to mecca aka Menards.

We were going into Menards to get our oak stair treads for The Ridge and ran into a small issue.  After getting to the aisle with the stair treads, risers, handrails, etc. we had immediate sticker shock because the price had risen on the stair treads since our last visit in October.  An increase of $4 dollars per tread is not the end of the world but when you have budgeted a certain amount into the purchase, the additional $50 dollars gets you a little disappointed.  Now we stand more dumb founded than usual in the middle of the aisle and after some debating and fusing, we decide to check out prices for stair treads on the internet after supper.  We leave Menards empty handed.  In just a matter of minutes, Menards has fallen from a building supply shrine status to teetering on making Brent's "X" list.  If you know about Brent's "X" list it is trouble for any compnay to make and be "Xed" out.  The family has just recently been able to include Outback Steakhouse as option to eat after an eight (8) year boycott which was because of a non bowl game invitation.

That night we did enjoy a Thankgiving feast of turkey, dressing (grandmother's recipe), real mashed potatoes, corn, green beans and rolls.  Greg did the honors of carving the turkey and for desert Renee supplied a homemade pecan and pumpkin pie.

After checking on the internet and getting over the dissapointment of the price increase, before leaving on Sunday, Brent went back to Menards and purchased the solid oak stair treads.  In summary Menards dodged the "X" list.  Even though it was a short visit, we are thankful for the time to see the kids.

We did miss spending time with Jennifer and Jessica on thier 22 nd birthday on Sunday.  We have moved our celebration with them till Wednesday night as we all will be at The Ridge for Thanksgiving.  Happy Birthday Girls!

Renee and Greg, the Evansville franchise of the Conleys.

The butchering carving of the turkey.  Practice makes a.......
After all the carving, Greg was exhausted.
Still on the "OK" list for now.

The birthday girls with the birthday boy.  All three (3) have birthdays in November.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Work Begins on the Stairs- Sort Of

After lugging up the tools, taking an inventory of the materials and finalizing the plan, the actual work on the stairs began about 3:00 pm on Saturday afternoon.  Brent was able to put in about three (3) hours of actual work on the stairs.  We did make a trip over to Lowe's and Home Depot in Sevierville for materials and nails with no stops at thrift stores. Honest.   We did stop at a thrift store in North Carolina on Friday and obtained a few treasures but we did not go "thrifty shopping" on Saturday.

The girls came over for the weekend and we had a great visit as usual.  They baked some items on Saturday and we did break out the smoker and Brent smoked some chicken with apple wood on Saturday, which was another minor distraction from the stairs.

The weekend concluded with another weekly ritual of the "blowing of the leaves" and a quick trip over to inspect Zelda.  We are going to Evansville, IN next weekend to spend Pre-Thanksgiving with Renee and Greg as they both will be working during the Holidays.  While in Evansville, we will go by Menard's and pick-up the oak-stair treads for the stairs.  Brent is still optimistic about completing the stairway before New Years.

No bears were spotted this weekend at The Ridge but we did see some in the park on Friday.  In fact, driving through the park we were slowed by traffic as people stopped in the middle of the road to view bears and elk.  No they were not in the same location.  The elk, which consisted of a herd of about eight (8) were located in the large field adjacent to the Oconaluftee visitor center while the two (2) bears were located on Hwy 441 about three (3) miles from the Sugarland visitor center coming from the Chimney Tops.

Our reconenance trip to Menard's in October for oak stair treads yielded the best prices and selection.

The stairs and stairwell have been stripped of carpet and panelling and thanks to Pa Pa Neal who pulled out lots of staples and nails.
Some artwork uncovered from a worker building the house back in the 1960s.

The roses are still in bloom.

The tram makes it pass over head every 24 minutes during operating hours.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Work on Stairs to Begin

We will head over to The Ridge tomorrow and start work on the stairs.  The goal is to finish the stairs before New Years 2012.

Cookie is already "dog tired" just thinking of the work to be done at The Ridge.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chopping Wood

The entire expected gang did show up and we enjoyed the weekend.  Everyone arrived by 7:30 pm on Friday night.  We had a good visit and enjoyed a lot of good food.  The apple pie from the Barber Orchard literally disappeared on Friday night.  The weather only permitted two (2) fires but we were able to split and stack the firewood, which will hopefully last us the winter for weekend trips.  David and Brent had a good time displaying their wood splitting skills to an appreciative crowd that gathered on the balcony and the occasional onlookers from the overhead tram.

We enjoyed Saturday dinner at the Bear Creek Restaurant and then the crowd split into two (2) groups.  One (1) car headed back to The Ridge and the another "fun" car headed into Gatlinburg.  Saturday night dragging the streets of Gatlinburg did require a jacket but we manage to bear the cold to purchase some fudge.  Later that night we made homemade funnel cakes. Grandmother was unable to get anyone excited to play cards so she kept an eye on Stella which is the youngest family member.  It was a fun weekend spent with family at The Ridge and everyone made in home safely.   

The fall color has passed the peak and a few areas down low have a few leafs remaining.  We had some color around The Ridge but the leafs are falling quickly.  Brent cleared leafs for about an hour and a half and will need to do so again next weekend. 

Midway through splitting the pile.

David having trust in Brent swinging the sledge hammer.

Brent does not share the same trust as he watches from afar as David attempts to split the wood.

David swings and ...................another miss.
Spinning the ball outside Ripley's in downtown Gatlinburg.

Pa Pa Neal gets a "1931 Model" hat from Jessica and Jennifer

Taking it easy is the order of the day at The Ridge.

The anticipation of the "breakfast surprise" is almost unbearable.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Heading to The Ridge Today

Lynn has fixed chicken and sausage gumbo and the car is packed.  I can not wait to get to Gatlinburg!  Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal have been there since Tuesday (his 80th birthday) with no signs of any bears.  It will be a full house but it will be fun.  We expect to have a lot of food to ear and if the weather cooperates, plenty of fires.