Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Newest Conley Edition & Coming Attractions

Today we welcome the newest member to the Conley Clan, Larkin Rose.  She arrived today to the joy of her proud parents Brad and Misty, our nephew and niece-in-law.  Larkin Rose is 21 inches in length and weighs in at 7 lbs - 5 oz.  She was born in Baton Rouge, LA.

With the arrival of Larkin Rose, we are now waiting for the arrival of Jillian Grace.  We must be patient, but it is now roughly two (2) months until we join the "Grandparents Club."

Meet Larkin Rose Conley .

Renee is looking and doing great while showing off Jillian Grace.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Work Moves Indoors.

Now that the weather has turned colder and wetter, Brent has moved his activities back inside and is focused again on the interior of Blackbearry Ridge.  This past weekend, he removed the 1960 era paneling in the downstairs hallway and has begun the sheet-rock installation.  During the break for Christmas vacation, he will be finishing the downstairs hallway and finishing the trim work on the stairs.

Below are some pictures of the hallway progress and miscellaneous family pictures.

The paneling is removed and ready for the sheet rock.  The ceiling has now been sheet rocked after nearly one year.

Need to purchase more sheet rock.

Cookie must come down stairs to inspect the work being performed.

An updated picture of the Evansville Clan.  Jillian is growing and  healthy.

Pa Pa Neal  in his house coat inspects his pile of cedar molding to make sure none has disappeared.

Rocky, the flying squirrel,  enjoys  a late night snack.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Since the last posting, we have had a lot of excitement around Blackbearry Ridge.  We did find the 24" of snow as can been seen from the photo below.  Once the clouds cleared and Mt Le Conte became visible  we found the snow.

Pa Pa Neal celebrated his 81st birthday on The Ridge on November 1st.  He had not planned on celebrating here but, he along with Grandmother and Maw Maw hastily arrived on Halloween.  JoLynn had a heart catheterization procedure performed in Knoxville, on Pa Pa Neal's birthday.  The procedure proved to be a success as her heart is functioning at 100 % with zero blockage, which was contrary to tests performed in Atlanta the week before.

Then we along with all working and retired and future working Americans became losers as a result of the Presidential election.

Maw Maw (Anna) along with Joey stayed with us for three (3) weeks.  During her stay we drove up to Evansville, IN and visited with Renee and Greg for a couple of days.  We ate plenty and Renee looks great.

Then we drove Maw Maw back to Louisiana for Thanksgiving, headed over to Baton Rouge on Thursday afternoon and visited with the Conley Clan.  Then the next stop was Birmingham on Saturday night to visit the McCormicks and Roshtos before heading back to Atlanta on Sunday evening.

To say it was a whirlwind Thanksgiving holiday is an understatement.  In summary, we went from Atlanta to Gatlinburg.  Then from Gatlinburg to Evansville and then back to Gatlinburg.  From Gatlinburg to Opelousas and then to Baton Rouge.  From Baton Rouge we stopped in Birmingham before ending in Atlanta.  This trip started on November 16th and ended on November 25th.  We were tired but loved seeing and visiting with everyone even if it was a short period.

We have a lot to be thankful for in our family.

Our three (3) cubs.

The cubs are no longer small.

Once the clouds disappeared, we found the two (2) feet of snow.

Pa Pa Neal blows out the candles on his birthday cake.

Pa Pa Neal and Grandmother

Our newest wildlife addition, "Rocky" the flying squirrel.

Jo Lynn prepped and ready to go for the heart cath.  Maw Maw and Grandmother look on.

Hey, you get an exciting wheel chair ride at discharge.
Eating pizza in Evansville with Renee and Greg
Jennifer and Jessica celebrate their 23rd.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

24" of Snow in Gatlinburg?

In watching the national news it was reported that Gatlinburg, TN had received 24" of snow as a result from  hurricane Sandy.  Blackbearry Ridge is roughly located about 700 feet above Gatlinburg and we can confirm that Gatlinburg did not receive 24 inches of snow from the storm.  In fact, we did not receive 2.4 inches but as you can see from the pictures below the total amount would be closer to about 1 inch.

The clouds have not broken over the top of Mt. Le Conte' and Newfound Gap had a reported 10 inches of snow prior to the storm, so maybe that is where the 24 inches of snow has landed.

Looking from the front deck down to the road.

This is the lot next door.

Looking down towards the road.

Our side yard.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time Flies - Two (2) Weeks Ago We Were In Disney

Just a few of the miscellaneous pictures of our one (1) week trip to Disney, including the Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, EPCOT and Hollywood Studios.

We enjoyed eating.

The China Exhibit in EPCOT.

At Animal Kingdom.
Main Street in the Magic Kingdom.

Entering EPCOT.

It's A Small World.

Taking a nap between rain drops.

Yes...the park was open.

Riding a wild ride.

Meeting a Princess.

Having a great time despite a deluge.

Meeting a Toy Story Army Figure.

Tower of Terror could be the best ride in the parks.
So long Disney.... see ya next year.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Meet Our Grandbaby

Renee and Greg went to the doctor on 10-11-12 and discovered that our first grandchild is a girl.  Her name is Jillian Grace Conley.  The doctor said everything looks normal and Jillian Grace is a healthy little girl.  We now have to wait till February to hold her.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Week with The Mouse - The First Day

Well we had been looking forward to heading down to Disney for over six (6) months, and then it was all over in one (1) week.  We had a great time in Orlando, FL as all our kids (Greg, Renee, Jennifer & Jessica) were able to make the trip, and we met Grandmother, Becky, Tommy, David, Rebecca, Conley and Stella.  Even Cookie made the trip but was forced to spend the week at Doggies Disney (or maybe something a lot less expensive).

We spent two (2) days in the Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, and Hollywood Studios and one (1) day in Animal Kingdom.  We were on the meal plan so we ate like we were on a cruise ship.  It had been eighteen (18) years since we had been to Disney.  Below are pics of our first day at the Magic Kingdom.  Greg and Renee would arrive later that night from Evansville.

After dropping Cookie off at the spa for the week, we drove through the gates.

This was the front of our hotel located on the property at Disney World.

On main street.

Cinderella's Castle.

Jennifer and Jessica headed straight to Space Mountain.

I think Jo Lynn was excited to be at The Magic Kingdom

Here we go on Space Mountain.

Meeting up with Conley and waiting to board the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Becky and Grandmother outside the Jungle Cruise ride and in the background, Rebecca and Jennifer discuss and solve world issues

The gang on the Jungle Cruise ride.

In the cemetery outside the Haunted Mansion.

The first evening meal.  We ate at Tony's Town Square.

Jessica in the magical night on main street.