Friday, December 31, 2010

Duck-Pin Bowling

To close out the year, all of us, except Cookie, tried a new type of bowling for our family.  The duck-pin bowling is common in the Mid-Atlantic and was a lot of fun.  You have ten pins, but they are short and squatty.  The ball is similar to a skee-ball but a little heavier and a slight larger diameter.  You also get three balls per frame but a strike is still knocking down all pins with the first ball and a spare must be obtained with two balls.  You have the option of leaving the knocked down pins in the lane for your second and third ball.  It was wild and fun.

Ready to bowl.

There are no holes in this ball to put my fingers.

Jessica is ready to bowl.

Are we bowling or playing skee ball?

Jessica lets it roll.

With a hop and skip Jennifer lets her ball go.

Lynn appears to think the bowling bowl shrunk.

After Jessica beat Brent in game 1 there is no doubt that there was going to be a game 2.

Exhausted bowlers.
We sure hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year.

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