Monday, November 7, 2011

Chopping Wood

The entire expected gang did show up and we enjoyed the weekend.  Everyone arrived by 7:30 pm on Friday night.  We had a good visit and enjoyed a lot of good food.  The apple pie from the Barber Orchard literally disappeared on Friday night.  The weather only permitted two (2) fires but we were able to split and stack the firewood, which will hopefully last us the winter for weekend trips.  David and Brent had a good time displaying their wood splitting skills to an appreciative crowd that gathered on the balcony and the occasional onlookers from the overhead tram.

We enjoyed Saturday dinner at the Bear Creek Restaurant and then the crowd split into two (2) groups.  One (1) car headed back to The Ridge and the another "fun" car headed into Gatlinburg.  Saturday night dragging the streets of Gatlinburg did require a jacket but we manage to bear the cold to purchase some fudge.  Later that night we made homemade funnel cakes. Grandmother was unable to get anyone excited to play cards so she kept an eye on Stella which is the youngest family member.  It was a fun weekend spent with family at The Ridge and everyone made in home safely.   

The fall color has passed the peak and a few areas down low have a few leafs remaining.  We had some color around The Ridge but the leafs are falling quickly.  Brent cleared leafs for about an hour and a half and will need to do so again next weekend. 

Midway through splitting the pile.

David having trust in Brent swinging the sledge hammer.

Brent does not share the same trust as he watches from afar as David attempts to split the wood.

David swings and ...................another miss.
Spinning the ball outside Ripley's in downtown Gatlinburg.

Pa Pa Neal gets a "1931 Model" hat from Jessica and Jennifer

Taking it easy is the order of the day at The Ridge.

The anticipation of the "breakfast surprise" is almost unbearable.

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