Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sheetrock & Risers

We tried to head over the mountain early on Friday, but work got in the way for Brent and so we did not start the journey until 1:30 pm.  The weather on the drive over was mild, rainy and once we hit the park, a very heavy fog was added into the mix.  No snow was spotted when we crossed Newfound Gap, but the temp was in the low 30's.  The light Smoky Mountain type rainy weather continued as we arrived at The Ridge.  That night the rain cleared and the temperature dropped sharply.  On Saturday, we awoke to frost on the ground and cold temperatures so it was a legitimate excuse to keep a fire going all day.

We had a shorten work schedule planned for the weekend, because we need to pick-up and organize the tools neatly in anticipation of our guest arriving after Christmas.  On our agenda we planned to install some of the risers.  We were able to box in the ceiling over the stairs and install sheet rock in the ceiling and around the canned overhead light installed last week.  We also installed two (2) sheets in the wall in the stairway and completed six (6) risers.

It will be about ten (10) days before we head back to The Ridge as we will be spending Christmas at the rental, so we filled all the bird feeders to capacity and warned them to ration the food and keep the squirrels away.

Boxed in the ceiling area above the stairs and added sheet rock.

The stairwell wall now has two (2) sheets of sheet rock.

The view of the tools to the left of the stairs is just a small sample of the items that needed to be organized and stored.

Since there was not a third stringer, we decided to add a back brace for the riser. 

A view of some of the installed risers with the construction treads.  It will look better after the oak treads are installed.

Cookie loves to watch all the construction activity.  I guess she still thinks she is an inspector at Zelda.

The work on the stairs is completed for the weekend.

Cookie loves riding through the park and one day hopes to hike the trail to the top of the Chimney Tops.

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