Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cookie Addresses Gettysburg

Today we traveled from Annapolis, MD to Gettysburg, PA to visit the battlefield.  We were surprised how large the battlefield area is and that the town of Gettysburg is in the battlefield.  Jennifer and Jessica share our love for history and Cookie has adopted the love too.

We viewed a film, a museum and a cyclorama.

We were taking a rest when President Lincoln stopped by for a chat.

Cookie stayed in the car while we went to the visitor center, so she was eager to inspect a cannon.

We were on a tower overlooking a battlefield on the first day.  Cookie left #1 and #2 somewhere in the field.

Being from Tennessee, Cookie likes to look at the Confederate Statues with her favorite general being Robert E. Lee.

Cookie really likes to inspect the cannons.

Cookie reads the signs and explains the history to the girls.

This is the site of Pickett's final charge.

A towering view of the battlefield.

Cookie tries to keep Jessica calm on top of Little Round Rock.

Cookie explains the strategic strong hold of Little Round Top to Jennifer.

Damsels in distress at a monument on top of Little Round Top.

Born in MA Jennifer and Jessica are the only two Yankees in our family.

Wheat Field which is the site of the bloodiest battle not only at Gettysburg but the entire Civil War.

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