Monday, February 27, 2012

The End of February?

This sure was a mild February for Blackbearry Ridge and much appreciated with the ongoing work.  The girls drove over from UT for the weekend and we had a fun visit.  They had not been over for about three (3) weeks due to studying and the fact we were sanding the walls which creates a lot of dust.

We only install one (1) piece of drywall in the stairwell and focused instead on more prep work for trim and finishing the skirts.  Brent installed the skirts directly to the framed wall so we could save 1" of width on the stairs.  This has caused more than once thinking ahead and trying to vision how all the trim including the columns will tie together.  It has also caused more the once the removal of work and re-installation but so goes the process of renovation work.  The remaining skirt board on both sides were finished and had to be delayed until the new landing had been installed at the top of stairs.

The original half wall along the stairwell was removed.  This required some new framing and the base area of the half-wall was brought up to match the existing sub floor.  Now we will be able to run the hardwood floors up to the edge.  The prep work never seems to look like much but it is necessary and time consuming to allow for a good finish.

Another item which seems trivial but for us is not is that we brought up four (4) more sheets of drywall.  Bringing supplies up 38 steps is never easy or fun.

We are now set up to install all the remaining dry wall in the stairwell next weekend.  As a side note-we have not seen any bears on The Ridge since September of 2011.  Not sure why we have not seen any, but there are signs of their presence.

The scaffolding was dismantled.

The original half-wall at the stairwell.

Another view of the half-wall.

The half-wall after demo.

The new framing and sub floor where the half wall stood.

A better view of the new framing.

After adding the top trim and skirt board.  The nail holes have been filled.

The one (1) piece of sheet rock installed this weekend.

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Weekend

This weekend, we were able to spend four (4) days at Blackbearry Ridge, due to the holiday and Brent taking a half-day of vacation on Friday.  We arrived Thursday night but did not perform any work.  After dropping Cookie off at the spa on Friday morning, we made a trip to Lowe's to get supplies for the work planned during the weekend.  Brent was not feeling good on Friday, but did manage to sand down the third coat of mud and after performing a close inspection, he applied a forth coat on a few areas.  We then decided to let the mud dry overnight.

Saturday, after sanding and the walls receiving Brent's approval, the primer was applied to the drywall.  While this was drying, we built a new landing at the top of the stairs, that now is level with the second floor.  This created a new step and we needed to move and build a new newel post.  After completing the construction in the afternoon, we decided on the color of the wall.  With all the dust from the sanding and tools everywhere, the girls stayed a second straight weekend in Knoxville.  We had planned to drive over and take them out for supper, so we combined another stop at Lowe's to get the paint and other supplier.

We had a great visit with the girls and we out to eat at Naples, a great Italian restaurant on Kingston Pike, which was there when we were at UT back in 1985.  The food was great as usual and the conversation was lively.  Luckily Jennifer did not talk about her work at the body farm while at supper.

Sunday brought about dropping temperatures along with the threat of snow.  We were able to apply two (2) coats of our new color on the walls.  We had a fire going all day, and then the snow started in the late afternoon.

Monday we were able to paint our beams and beam molding that was required to be removed in order to take down the paneling and install the new dry wall.  After apply a couple of coats of paint, we reinstalled the molding and beam that had been removed.  The scaffolding is still in place but we expect to remove it next Friday, after some touch-up painting is completed.

Our goal next weekend is to install the remainder of the dry wall in the stair well and apply the tape and at least one (1) coat of mud.  We are very pleased at the way the colors turned out.

The road across the mountain was opened around noon on Monday and we made it across later in the day with no problems.

Brent sanding for the final time.

Ready for the primer.

JoLynn is applying the primer to the ceiling while on the scaffolding.

Brent applying the first coat of our "Park Green" color while standing on the scaffolding.

The first coat is applied.

View from the hall over the stair well.

The face wall with a new color.

The snow begins to fall in the late afternoon.

Our dogwood tree is getting hammered  by snow during the night.

A break in the snow during the night.

Early morning as the sky begins to clear.

The existing landing at the top of the stairs.

A new newel post is required with the landing being raised.  This is the first of three (3) members used to create the post.  We also countersunk two (2) each  5/16"x 4" long wood screws into the base besides all the 3 " screws.  The post is not going anywhere.

The new landing is framed.

We had some extra insulation so why not.

Cookie inspects the completed landing which is just the right height for her doggie door.   Funny, but we still try to step down on the landing when entering from the living room.  I guess after six (6) years, old habits are hard to break.

The ladders are used to make a stand to paint the existing ceiling molding and  beam which had to be removed to  install the new dry wall.

Two (2) coats of brown were added to the molding and beam.

The painted molding is attached to the wall.  We tried to get the colors of the national park.

The ceiling molding of the face wall is installed.

The molding is installed and some caulk used to fill a gap.

A view of the new colors on the wall, molding and beam.

Mt. Le Conte prior to our departure on Monday.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Countdown to Weekend

We have a long four (4) day weekend to work at Blackbearry Ridge this weekend.  Brent has President's Day off (Feb 20) and he is taking off Friday, so we leave for the mountains tonight.  We are really excited to continue the work as we both enjoy seeing the positive progress.

Cookie has a scheduled appointment tomorrow to get clipped, so we will coordinate the drop off and pick up of Cookie with a trip to Lowes and/or Home Depot.

Ready to get started and ready to finish.  Will update with pictures later.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Mudding and Taping Begins

We arrived on Friday early afternoon filled the bird feeders and made a quick trip into the town of Sevierville.  It started to snow early Saturday morning and continued through the day.  In all, we received about 3 inches at Blackbearry Ridge which was the first significant snowfall since October.

The remaining pieces of paneling were removed from the face wall which were replaced with sheet rock.  The first application of mud was installed and tape was placed at the joints and interior corners.  A metal bead corner was used for the exterior corners.  With the snow falling outside it was a good day to be doing work inside.  We finished in the early afternoon and then made a trip to the hardware store for screws and drill bit heads for the drill.

Then the fun began.  After letting the mud dry overnight we began the task of sanding.  What a mess.  We were able to finish sanding the first coat of mud and installed the second coat of mud before heading back across Newfound Gap.  We have the updates of the park service status of the road on our phone, which indicated the 441 had been closed since late Friday night.  We received a text that the road was now open early Sunday afternoon, and we passed by the Sugarland Vistor Center around 2:30 pm.  The traffic was slow as there were some patches of ice but the roads were very clear.  As expected the snow cover was the heaviest near Newfound Gap but we have seen a lot more snow cover.

Cookie enjoyed her ride through Cherokee , NC which requires the sunroof to be open with her head sticking out of the roof and her hind legs perched on Brent's shoulder.  About an hour after crossing Newfound Gap, we received another text that indicated that the road had been closed.  We had a safe trip back and discussed our plans for next weekend which will be a three (3) day weekend with the holiday.

The remaining pieces of sheet rock that need to be installed on the face wall.
The ceiling over the stair well.  The support post will have sheet rock but will be finished in  wood.

The first coat of mud and tape have been applied.

Brent sanding the first coat near the peak of the living room on the face wall.

The first coat has been sanded and the second coat of mud applied.

Another view of the wall.

Looks like we get to sand on Friday and apply the third coat.

Mt. Le Conte has it peaked through the clouds on Saturday.

A view of the neighbor hood with the snow cover.

Monday, February 6, 2012

More Drywall

It was a beautiful drive over the mountains into Gatlinburg on Friday.  The views through the Smoky Mountains were very spectacular.  The girls made it over Friday night from UT, so we talked and watched movies.  Brent did perform a little demo work on Friday as he removed the sheet rock from the ceiling in the old closet over the stairway.

On Saturday, the scaffolding was removed and lowered about one (1) foot to allow the next row of sheet rock to be installed.  Afterwards, we all took a lunch break and went into Gatlinburg to Partin's Delicatessen for sandwiches.  They make one of the best reuben sandwiches and have a fantastic home made potato salad.

After a little more prep work, the drywall was installed over the stairway.  Also, more of the paneling was removed on the face wall.  No mudding was performed this week as Brent was not feeling the greatest and need to take a mid-day nap to get his strength back.  We do expect to gather more supplies during the week and head back next weekend to start mudding over the stairway and finish installing the sheet rock on the face wall.

On the drive back over Newfound Gap on Sunday, the Tennessee side of the National Park truly lived up to the name Smoky.  After we reached Newfound Gap and crossed into North Carolina, it was clear and with lots of sunshine.  We again had a wonderful time over the weekend with the girls and a safe trip back.

The sheet rock was removed for the former ceiling of the closet  which was over the stairs.

The paneling which is still located on the face wall.

The scaffolding was lowered to allow the next course of sheet rock to be installed in the stairwell.

The scaffolding will remain so we can tape and mud the joints.

The paneling is removed from the face wall with only a few minor injuries.

The ladders are moved into position to install a full sheet of  drywall on the face wall.

After lifting into place, Brent is screwing in the sheet rock.

I guess the missing pieces will have to be installed next weekend.

It is getting closer.

A few of the two (2) pieces of sheet rock installed over the stair well .

The lower ceiling was the inside of a hall closet.

The famous scaffolding.

A view of the Chimney Tops on our drive back on Sunday.

The view is beautiful from down here but I bet the hikers up top  have an obstructed view.