Monday, February 13, 2012

The Mudding and Taping Begins

We arrived on Friday early afternoon filled the bird feeders and made a quick trip into the town of Sevierville.  It started to snow early Saturday morning and continued through the day.  In all, we received about 3 inches at Blackbearry Ridge which was the first significant snowfall since October.

The remaining pieces of paneling were removed from the face wall which were replaced with sheet rock.  The first application of mud was installed and tape was placed at the joints and interior corners.  A metal bead corner was used for the exterior corners.  With the snow falling outside it was a good day to be doing work inside.  We finished in the early afternoon and then made a trip to the hardware store for screws and drill bit heads for the drill.

Then the fun began.  After letting the mud dry overnight we began the task of sanding.  What a mess.  We were able to finish sanding the first coat of mud and installed the second coat of mud before heading back across Newfound Gap.  We have the updates of the park service status of the road on our phone, which indicated the 441 had been closed since late Friday night.  We received a text that the road was now open early Sunday afternoon, and we passed by the Sugarland Vistor Center around 2:30 pm.  The traffic was slow as there were some patches of ice but the roads were very clear.  As expected the snow cover was the heaviest near Newfound Gap but we have seen a lot more snow cover.

Cookie enjoyed her ride through Cherokee , NC which requires the sunroof to be open with her head sticking out of the roof and her hind legs perched on Brent's shoulder.  About an hour after crossing Newfound Gap, we received another text that indicated that the road had been closed.  We had a safe trip back and discussed our plans for next weekend which will be a three (3) day weekend with the holiday.

The remaining pieces of sheet rock that need to be installed on the face wall.
The ceiling over the stair well.  The support post will have sheet rock but will be finished in  wood.

The first coat of mud and tape have been applied.

Brent sanding the first coat near the peak of the living room on the face wall.

The first coat has been sanded and the second coat of mud applied.

Another view of the wall.

Looks like we get to sand on Friday and apply the third coat.

Mt. Le Conte has it peaked through the clouds on Saturday.

A view of the neighbor hood with the snow cover.

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