Monday, April 9, 2012

Staining the Treads

We had three (3) days at Blackbearry Ridge this weekend and the girls came over from UT on Friday to celebrate the Easter weekend.

The big news from working this weekend, is that JoLynn began staining the stair treads, which means we are getting close to finishing this project.  She was able to stain ten (10) of the thirteen (13) treads and should finish this next weekend along with applying the polyurethane.

The frame for the side step at the bottom of the stairs was also completed along with the riser.  This required anchoring a treated 2x4 into the concrete slab.  Our bottom step will now wrap around at a 90 degree angle.

We also sanded the spots where the mud was applied for touch up and the first coat of green paint was applied. No visible blemishes, (unless you know were to look) and the wall looks great.  We also put up the some trim for the doorway.

After a light sand and cleaning, JoLynn begins staining the oak stair treads.

Staining can be a workout.

JoLynn inspects the treads after drying.

During a renovation clear space is at a premium, so one of the down stairs bedroom is the location for staining.

The concrete slab is drilled for the make-shift anchor bolts to hold the treated 2x4 for the side step base.

Cutting back the carpet, the 2x4 is inserted.

The building of the step foundation.

The completed foundation.

The plywood is brought to the same level as the bottom step support height.

When the construction tread is removed, the oak tread will lay the supports and wrap around and lay on the plywood.

Work is still being performed that requires a span of the stairwell.

More trimwork/casing is added and just the top horizontal portion is remaining.

Looking up the stairwell to the left.

The green wall (in honor of Fenway Park)

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