Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vanilla? I Hate Vanilla!

After taking last weekend off and heading up to Indiana to see Renee and Greg, we were back this past weekend at Blackbearry Ridge.  Not any work was done on the inside besides some more spring cleaning but we did attack the weeds and approaching kudzu outside.  Yes our neighbors have allowed kudzu in their front yard so, Brent wanders over and sprays the kudzu to keep it from entering our yard.  So far we have been very successful but we did spot some in a dead tree by our parking area.  This next weekend that tree will be taken down and the war on kudzu will continue.

Jennifer and Jessica worked during the day on Saturday, so we all headed back down in the evening to walk the streets and get some supper.  After a debate, we decided to eat a Johnny Rockets which has opened on the parkway within the last six months.  The hamburgers were great and we will definitively go back.

Because of all the changes happening to down town Gatlinburg, Brent has become has started taking some pictures of the buildings in case they are suddenly removed.  The title of this post as meaning only to a few in our family but the pictures below will explain.
Just entering the park outside of Cherokee, NC we spotted a domesticated female elk (notice the collar) in the field outside of Oconoluftee.
The sun was setting as we passed through the park.  This is  picture was taken after passing by Newfound Gap and heading down towards Sugarland.

Eating at Johnny Rockets.

When Rebecca was young, the World of Illusion had a Genie in a bottle display in the window on the sidewalk.  There was a video image of girl dressed as a Genie that was projected into a large glass bottle.  There also was a speaker and microphone which allowed the actress to talk with people at the large window.  Rebecca after viewing the Genie began to cry after the Genie asked her "To get me out of here."  The Genie display is gone, but we still think about that every time we pass the building.

Now for the rest of the story.  This is the scene of the crime where Brent yelled at an unsuspecting server, "Vanilla?  I hate Vanilla!"  At least 30 years ago and before children, while staying in Gatlinburg, Brent, JoLynn, Kathy and Len decided to head to town around 9:00 pm for ice cream.  Brent was in the mood for butter pecan so we headed to Baskin Robbins.  As soon as we drove up and parked, the lights turned off and they closed.  So we tried a few other establishments only to find the stores had closed.  Then Karmelkorn was spotted and we stopped and parked out front.  After being informed that the only flavor available was vanilla, Brent uttered the famous slogan.  We think about that every time we walk by and laugh and utter the phase, "Vanilla?....." which has now been adopted by the next generation.


  1. Len Conley lconley@cox.netJune 27, 2012 at 7:24 AM

    I still think about that every time I order ice cream. Either Kathy or I will repeat it to the other and smile!


  2. It is funny but I almost feel guilty about ordering vanilla soft serve ice cream. That phrase has followed me everywhere. When we eat at Jason's Deli, I will come back with a vanilla cone and I am greeted at the table with " Vanilla?!" And now, when walking the streets of Gatlinburg, as soon as we are near Karmelkorn, one of the girls will yell, and I mean yell, "VANILLA?" and we all start laughing.
