Monday, July 16, 2012


This weekend we took down three (3) large evergreen trees by the driveway that were not green.  One (1) of the trees has a little kudzu in the top so the battle continue.  We did spray the kudzu again, including the neighbors, and the kudzu is currently in retreat from our property.

Brent would wrap a cable around the tree and hook the other end to the jeep.
To control the location of the fall, the base of the tree was tethered to prevent the tree from going downhill onto the road.
After making the cuts, the jeep was used to pull and direct the location for the tree to fall.

It is great when a plan works and comes together.

Cutting the stump lower.

TIMBER!  The second tree is felled.

Cutting the final tree.  Take note that all three (3) trees cut down were tethered.

The third tree falling.

Final tree on the ground right next to the driveway.  I wonder where those gloves are?

A view of the felled trees next to the driveway.

Some of the kudzu which came down with the final tree.  

What absolute precision detailed engineering planning and cutting skills that allowed our statue survived.

1 comment:

  1. nealnbettie@cox.netJuly 16, 2012 at 4:24 PM

    Goodness Brent, what an undertaking!!!!!!!!!!! Glad it went as planned. Just be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOM
