Monday, September 17, 2012

A Damper On The Game Saturday & The Chimney

Well the Tennessee game did not have the final result we were looking for but we still managed to get a few things done this weekend.  Saturday was totally consumed by the football game.  Brent and Jennifer headed over to Knoxville, in the morning and did not return till early Sunday morning.  Despite the loss they had a great day together.

The mama bear and her three cubs visited us on the Ridge twice this weekend.  She came by on Saturday and Sunday with Cookie giving us notice.  The cubs have gotten a lot larger and they are all moving a lot quicker.  Just to be on the safe side, we did clear a lot of the underbrush and smaller trees in the lot next door to allow us better visibility and not let the bears sneak up on us as easily.

Brent installed a top chimney damper on one of our fireplaces this weekend.  He also did some motor repair work on the chimney and expects to put another damper on the downstairs fireplace if the first performs as he expects.

Last few days to vote on the poll.  Currently thin crusted pizza is winning.

Heading out to the game.  Cookie wanted to go but Brent would not buy her a ticket.

Even having the Tennessee cheerleaders in our section could not produce a win

I am glad she shaved under her arms before the game.

The new damper with the concrete patch work.

The new damper and modified rodent screen.

Brent stopped to take this  picture while traveling through North Carolina.


  1. Len Conley lconley@cox.netSeptember 19, 2012 at 11:35 AM

    Sorry the game did not turn out better!


  2. Love the pictures. I hope enough people there feel the same and vote Republican!!!

