Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Work on Stairway Continues

The last few weeks have been slow but steady as Brent is working on the handrail for the stairs.  We were able to get the 16 foot long piece of red oak handrail into the house by threading the handrail through an upstairs window.  Brent has mitered two (2) joints at each end to customized the handrail.  This has caused a lot of time as he as pieced the rail together but the results look great.  The handrail has been installed and removed several times during this process but this weekend we will perform a final sanding and stain the handrail.  The handrail installation nears the end.

The only major item standing in the way of completing the stairway now is the installation of the iron ballasters on the open side.  The installation of the ballasters should begin this weekend and the renovation of the stairway will near completion.

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