Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Shower for Jillian

On Saturday, the temperature rose enough to melt the ice such that Jennifer and Jessica headed up to Evansville, IN in the VW Beetle.  The church Renee and Greg attend were holding a shower for Renee on Sunday at 2:00 pm and Jennifer and Jessica braved the weather with the motto of  "neither snow nor ice nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these two from attending the shower".

Not that it was rigged or anything but Jennifer won the door prize and Jessica won the game contest, so with Renee getting all the gifts, the Conley's took home all the loot.  In fact even Cookie sent a gift to the shower for Jillian.  Needless to say the girls had a great time at the shower and their time with Renee and Greg in Evansville.  They safely returned on Monday.

We are now down to less than one (1) month before the arrival of Jillian Grace and we become Gram and Pappy.

Opening gifts.

Ok I am ready to open the next gift.

"Winner Winner Chicken Dinner".

I really like the blanket that Cookie picked out.

Back from the shower and ready to go to Menards.

The grateful couple display their gifts from the shower.

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