Friday, January 25, 2013

Ice on The Ridge

We arrived last night (Thursday) at The Ridge just ahead of the winter storm warning.  Turns out it was not warning but we have been hit at The Ridge by ice.  It is sort of strange as it is falling as rain and then freezing on the ground.  The sun has not been seen today and the roads are glazed with ice which is not a good combination with the mountains.  Looks like Gatlinburg is not getting hit as hard as Knoxville.

Jennifer and Jessica were scheduled to leave today for Evansville, IN, but had to delay and hopefully will be able to leave tomorrow morning.  They are going to the baby shower for Renee on Sunday.

The top lamp has icicles.
The dogwood tree is coated in ice.

Rhododendron on the side yard.

Ice is everywhere.

This rhododendron is curling and prepared for the winter storm.

The dogwood tree.


  1. annadstelly@gmail.comJanuary 25, 2013 at 9:01 PM

    Wow that was some ice. Thanks for the pictures. Love Anna

  2. The chalet really is coming along. It all looks good!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOOD JOB!!!!!!
