Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Caps Required

The work this weekend included capping the newel post, baseboard and trimming out the stairs.  Brent is fabricating all our trim work with a router which is time consuming but does save quite a bit on cost.  Now we will need to touch up the paint on the trim work and certain places on the wall which required 'modification'.  It turned cold on Friday and we had a light snow all day which continued into the night.  The high on Saturday and Sunday did not get out of the 30's and our lows were in the teens.  It sure was nice to have a fire going all day.

Jillian decided not to arrive this weekend so we are currently on pins and needles waiting on the call to head north to Evansville.

The cap on the newel post.

The stringer was capped.

Some modification to the wall where the stringer cap meets the bottom stair tread.

Ok, some caulking will be required.

It began lightly snowing on Friday morning and lasted all day.  If you ventured outside you needed to wear a cap.

Once the clouds broke on Saturday, you could see LeConte was covered in snow.

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