Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grin and Bear It

We have had a lot of bear activity around The Ridge this summer.  On Friday, our General Kudzu paid us a visit shortly after our arrival.  We mainly worked outside this weekend and removed another tree near the house.  The removal was not completely accomplished without pain.

On Monday, Jennifer and Jessica were treated by a visit from our mama bear and her three cubs.  Jessica was able to take the pictures and forward to us via email.  Viewing antics of the bears from the upstairs balcony, they watched as the cubs followed mama and wrestled each other in the lawn.  The bears stayed around The Ridge for about twenty minutes enjoying JoLynn's cherry tomatoes and drinking water from the bird bath.  One of the cubs was on top of the bird bath and toppled it over which scared the cub and it ran about twenty feet.  Mama bear then inspected the toppled bird bath to ensure it was no threat and the group moved along.

For our family, it never gets old to see the bears.  We do not feed them (so they do not associate humans with a free meal) and keep our household garbage in metal bear proof containers, so they are not a pest.  We are planning to plant blueberry bushes on the side of the hill below the driveway that will attract and feed them.

The cubs are spotted in the driveway.
Mama leads the way for her cubs from the driveway up the stairs to the house.

Mom is thirsty so one of the cubs jumps on the bird bath to drink with her.

Not to be let out, the other two cubs want to get their fill of water.

Enjoying the cherry tomatoes.

Resting on the bottom deck.

Mom checks for threats as one of the cub gets another drink.  It was soon after this photo was taken that the cub toppled the bird bath.

Over to the side yard from a wrestling match.

Shall we dance?

Down for the count.

1 comment:

  1. Neal and Bettie Conley nealnbettie@cox.netAugust 8, 2012 at 7:33 AM

    I am so glad I wasn’t coming up those steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mom
