Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Goal Set and Met

Despite a late start, we did make it across Newfound Gap with no problems and arrived at Blackbearry Ridge at 4:30 pm.  Almost immediately, the truck was fired up and off to Home Depot we headed for lumber.  Our goal this weekend was to install top portion of drywall over the stairs, which is in an awkward location.  To accomplish this, we needed to build a sturdy scaffold over the stairwell that would still allow us to use the stairs.

Saturday morning was productive and the scaffold was built.  Then prior to lunch we headed back to Home Depot for some additional supplies.  Then we had a few challenges that required taking down the the existing molding and also removing the ceiling beam.  All of this just to be able to remove the paneling.  As in all our remodeling projects, the surprises take a few extra hours but we are always victorious.  The last piece of drywall was installed around 7:30 pm.  It was later than expected, but we had reached our goal.

Now in the near future comes the taping, mudding and sanding.  Oh brother!

The challenge of removing the paneling and then installing drywall.

The stairwell that need to been spanned by the scaffolding.
A view of the completed scaffolding from the kitchen area.
The span over the stairwell still allows us to use the stairs.

Cookie inspects the scaffolding.

All the paneling, molding and the beam are removed.  This was required because the paneling was installed first, then molding and finally the beam.

The first sheet of drywall is installed.

Mission accomplished.  A very long but satisfying day.

There were moments of looking at Mt. LeConte and the snow at the peaks.  It arrived on Saturday but was gone on  Sunday.  We had clear passage coming and going across Newfound Gap this weekend.
Cookie loves standing on Brent's shoulder and sticking her head out of the sunroof as we drive through the Smoky Mountain National Park.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Having to make-up for a missed weekend

We missed heading over to Blackbearry Ridge last weekend due to another commitment.   Unless the paying "work" requires Brent to stay here this weekend, we will head over Friday afternoon with the goal of installing sheetrock over the stairway.  We will need to build a scaffold to reach over the stairway and to the peak of the way and still allow us to use the stairs.  Hope we don't forget to bring the sheetrock up the stairs first.

Pics to follow after this weekend.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stepping Up

As we started our journey over to Blackbearry Ridge, Highway 441 across Newfound Gap was not open.  During our ride over, JoLynn received a tweet that the road was open, so we made a bee line to Cherokee.  There was very little traffic on the road and once we got into the higher elevation, the roads were a little icy.  We made it through fine and about an hour after we got to the house, the park service closed the road.

The girls made over from UT after dark and were spending the weekend with us in Gatlinburg.  After a trip to Home Depot on Saturday morning, work continued on the stairs.  We did have to cut the work period down because we went to the "Hatfield and McCoys" dinner show in Pigeon Forge on Saturday night.  We had a great time and glad we got the local discount.

We headed back early on Sunday, because we swung by Zelda in Kings Mountain, NC.  Because of the cold weather, Brent wanted to shut off the water and drain the lines at the house even though the heat is on at the house.  With all the thefts of ac units for the copper content, Brent did not want to have someone steal our units and then have to deal with water damage inside the house.

The work done on the stairs for this weekend did include finishing the bottom landing post and preparing the bottom for sheet rock.  There were a lot of areas that did not have sections of wood to screw in the sheet rock and we had to adjust the depth of electrical receptacles for the sheet rock in stead of the paneling.

Just pass the turnout to Clingmans' Dome and prior to Newfound Gap.

The entrance to the tunnel past Newfound Gap.

Entrance to the tunnel just past the Chimney Tops trail head.

The Chimney Tops

JoLynn, Jennifer and Jessica at the Hatfield and McCoy dinner show.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Work - Postponed

We did not perform any work on Blackbearry Ridge this weekend.  This weekend the girls moved their stuff from the rental house as they start their last semester at UT this upcoming week.  Brent had to work late on Friday, so Jo Lynn and the girls headed over to Gatlinburg on Friday morning.  Brent did arrive around 6:00 pm on Friday.

So planning was done, but this just turned out to be a "Rose" weekend.

We do expect to start back on the stairs next weekend.
Jessica and Jennifer in Singapore, circa 2004.  Hard to imagine that they both one (1) semester from graduating college.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breakdown, Bargins, Birthday and Brosted Chicken

The recap of our week at The Ridge began with taking Anna to the airport on Tuesday (Dec 27th) and then heading to Gatlinburg  around 2:00 pm and would be the last to arrive.  Greg and Renee had left Evansville, IN around 7:00 am and Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal were on their way from Gatlinburg and both groups would reach Gatlinburg before us.  Heavy traffic and wrecks on the interstate delayed the arrival of Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal and then we got the call from Greg.   They had broken down near exit 407 on I-40 just before the exit.  After making some calls to USAA and Volunteer Chevrolet in Sevierville, TN,  Greg and Renee were towed to Sevierville.  Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal were about one (1) hour away when we first learned of the breakdown, so they were able to stop in Sevierville and pick up Greg and Renee.

Meanwhile, we kept on driving with no problems and arrived at The Ridge first around 5:15 pm and waited to hear from Pa Pa Neal.  The group finally arrived around 6:30 pm and we were all thankful.

The next day went went exploring the Glades area around Gatlinburg where the artists and craftsmen have relocated.  We went to several shops and galleries but did not make any major purchases.  We had obtained Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal's Christmas present from a local artist several weeks before.  We did stop by that gallery and they did remember Brent.

On Thursday, December 29th, Greg had is 28th birthday.  We started the morning off by heading into Sevierville to make the thrift store circuit.  Greg was dropped off at Volunteer Chevrolet to pick up his vehicle and he declined to continue on the quest to seek treasures with Grandmother, Jo Lynn and Brent.  Nothing major was obtained on this quest but we did find many small "bargains" and returned later that afternoon to The Ridge to start the birthday celebration feast.

On Friday, Brent, Jo Lynn, Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal headed into to the park to see some sights and also stop by Townsend, TN and quench Pa Pa Neal's desire for broasted chicken.  Greg, Renee and the girls were left to piddle around town and be on standby for a possible trip to the Knoxville hospital to visit Greg's best friend from college, in case his pregnant wife had to have an emergency "c" section.  Luckily, there was no emergency and they did not have to make the trip to Knoxville, so they celebrated at Wall-Mart and Starbucks.

Meanwhile back in the park, the group made there way to Elkmont and eventually into Townsend to dine on broasted chicken.  After turning his nose up at Subway, and insisting of only eating broasted chicken, Pa Pa arrived at the only place he ever gets broasted chicken and..............yes it was closed for the season.  With a small amount of sadness we ventured back to Subway and he ordered a footlong "crow" sub with extra black olives.  Later that afternoon Brent picked up his 4x4 truck which was being repaired.

Saturday morning, Greg and Renee left early morning to the Raleigh area to attend an afternoon wedding and visit with her folks.  Later that morning, Brent and Pa Pa Neal jumped in the 4x4 truck and headed to the high country in the mountains.  Crossing over Newfound gap and making their way into western NC, the two (2) just happened to arrived in Dillsboro, NC, about 12:30 pm to dine at the Jarrett House for lunch.  You guessed it.  It was closed for the season.  Disappointed but not deterred, the pair made their way into Sylva, NC and found a local cafe downtown.  Hooper's turned out to be a real find with excellent food and a return trip has been put on the books.

Brent and Pa Pa Neal continued onto the "high" country and after several detours by the GPSs (there were two (2) in the truck) the "wild" side of the Great Smoky National Park was reached.  With he warm weather there was no snow, but on the narrow unpaved road, the four (4) wheel drive was required in several places.

The two (2) returned to The Ridge safe and sound in the early afternoon, just in time for Brent to get Jennifer and Jessica and head to downtown Gatlinburg to ring in 2012 as shown on a previous post.

Sunday morning saw the departure of Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal as they were headed back to Birmingham, AL for an overnight pit stop before continuing on home to Baton Rouge, LA.

Brent, Jo Lynn and the girls went down for the Sunday services at First Baptist Gatlinburg and then spent the remainder of the day napping.

After a late wake-up on Monday, we packed our items, shutdown the heat and hot water heater and left Blackbearry Ridge till next weekend.  We were in a race against the on coming storm and several hours after crossing Newfound Gap, the park closed the highway due to snow and ice.

As planned, Brent did not do any work during our time at Blackbearry Ridge this time, but work will continue on Friday.  Everyone made it home safely.

Jessica and Jennifer prepare to paint the town "orange" on Wednesday night.  Behind them is Karmelkorn which was the infamous location of Brent's "Vanilla?  I hate vanilla!" scream to a stunned server over 30 years ago.
Jessica, Renee, Greg and Jennifer are investigating the scene of a break in by a hungry bear earlier in the fall of 2011.
Jessica, Jennifer, Greg and Renee check out a new attraction in downtown Gatlinburg.
Our family is well acquainted with this stop.
Bargains galore at the Sevierville Salvation Army Store.
Greg gets ready to blow out the candles on his birthday pie as Renee wonders why is Jo Lynn is singing "Annie get your guns"?

Grandmother, Brent and Pa Pa Neal on the bridge at Elkmont.
Jo Lynn and Pa Pa Neal stand at the entrance to the Elkmont Cemetery.  This was the first time anyone in our group had discovered this place.

Jo Lynn and Pa Pa Neal are inspecting the well kept grave sites at Elkmont.

Jo Lynn and Pa Pa Neal stop to read the information of the Wonderland Hotel at Elkmont.
All that remains of the once grand Wonderland Hotel.  What a shame to let that historic building disappear.
During our visit a brick or two happened to disappeared from the old fireplace of the Wonderland Hotel that is still standing.
One of the camps on the back side of the Elkmont Campground.  I sure hope the park does not continue to let historic landmarks disappear like the injustice done to the Wonderland Hotel.
Pa Pa Neal at Meigs Falls.  On his way to Townsend with the thought of eating broasted chicken dancing in his head.
Pa Pa Neal stands in parking lot on our ill fated trip for broasted chicken in Townsend, TN.  If he tried hard, he could inhale deeply and get a faint hint of broasted chicken in the air.

Jessica winning tickets at an arcade in Pigeon Forge.  I tnink with the $10 spent we got about 50 cents worth of prizes.
Pa Pa Neal looking at a display at Sugarland Visitors Center in GSNP.  He said the same display was here when he first visited the park in 1948 with Ma Ma and Pa Pa Conley.
Because the Jarrett House was closed we happened upon Hooper's in downtown Sylva, NC.  It was a great place to eat and had very reasonable prices.  We will stop there again.
The road in the "wild" portion of the GSNP.
Pa Pa Neal performs a daredevil act over the creek.

I sure hope no one is coming in the opposite direction.
Pa Pa Neal looking at Mt. Cammerer and remembers hiking the trail with Brent, Jo Lynn, Kathy and Len over 30 years ago.
Happy New Year 2012 from downtown Gatlinburg.
Pa Pa Neal packs the car on Sunday morning to head back home.
Grandmother is wrapped in a blanket while Pa Pa Neal leaves The Ridge and heads down the mountain.
Hey.  One of our rocks is missing.  I think someone stole one of our rocks!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Watching the ball drop in Gatlinburg

Brent, Jennifer and Jessica were among a few thousand "friends" ringing in 2012 in downtown Gatlinburg.  Similar to Times Square but much more "chic" Gatlinburg drops a lighted ball (no crystals) from the space needle located in the center of town.  At the stroke of midnight, the ball reaches the bottom and then fireworks shoot from the three (3) sides of the space needle and from the top.  The fireworks, which NY does not provide, last around ten (10) minutes with the finale comprised of large "booms" and beutiful orange and white explosions.

JoLynn, Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal view the fireworks from a safe distant, that is from the deck of Blackbearry Ridge.

Parking at the base of Ski Mountain Road, and being able to make a quick get away from the crowd, Brent and the girls were home by 12:30.

We look forward for our entire family and group of friends having a safe and great 2012.

The street is closed and the crowd gathers about 1 hour before the ball drops.

All eyes are on the space needle.

Jessica and Jennifer await in ringing in the new year.

The excitement builds as the time grows short.

The crowd continues to grow.
The crowd is getting restless on the balcony.

The ball begins to drop.
It is almost time.

Happy New Year.   Welcome 2012!