Sunday, January 1, 2012

Watching the ball drop in Gatlinburg

Brent, Jennifer and Jessica were among a few thousand "friends" ringing in 2012 in downtown Gatlinburg.  Similar to Times Square but much more "chic" Gatlinburg drops a lighted ball (no crystals) from the space needle located in the center of town.  At the stroke of midnight, the ball reaches the bottom and then fireworks shoot from the three (3) sides of the space needle and from the top.  The fireworks, which NY does not provide, last around ten (10) minutes with the finale comprised of large "booms" and beutiful orange and white explosions.

JoLynn, Grandmother and Pa Pa Neal view the fireworks from a safe distant, that is from the deck of Blackbearry Ridge.

Parking at the base of Ski Mountain Road, and being able to make a quick get away from the crowd, Brent and the girls were home by 12:30.

We look forward for our entire family and group of friends having a safe and great 2012.

The street is closed and the crowd gathers about 1 hour before the ball drops.

All eyes are on the space needle.

Jessica and Jennifer await in ringing in the new year.

The excitement builds as the time grows short.

The crowd continues to grow.
The crowd is getting restless on the balcony.

The ball begins to drop.
It is almost time.

Happy New Year.   Welcome 2012!

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