Monday, January 16, 2012

Stepping Up

As we started our journey over to Blackbearry Ridge, Highway 441 across Newfound Gap was not open.  During our ride over, JoLynn received a tweet that the road was open, so we made a bee line to Cherokee.  There was very little traffic on the road and once we got into the higher elevation, the roads were a little icy.  We made it through fine and about an hour after we got to the house, the park service closed the road.

The girls made over from UT after dark and were spending the weekend with us in Gatlinburg.  After a trip to Home Depot on Saturday morning, work continued on the stairs.  We did have to cut the work period down because we went to the "Hatfield and McCoys" dinner show in Pigeon Forge on Saturday night.  We had a great time and glad we got the local discount.

We headed back early on Sunday, because we swung by Zelda in Kings Mountain, NC.  Because of the cold weather, Brent wanted to shut off the water and drain the lines at the house even though the heat is on at the house.  With all the thefts of ac units for the copper content, Brent did not want to have someone steal our units and then have to deal with water damage inside the house.

The work done on the stairs for this weekend did include finishing the bottom landing post and preparing the bottom for sheet rock.  There were a lot of areas that did not have sections of wood to screw in the sheet rock and we had to adjust the depth of electrical receptacles for the sheet rock in stead of the paneling.

Just pass the turnout to Clingmans' Dome and prior to Newfound Gap.

The entrance to the tunnel past Newfound Gap.

Entrance to the tunnel just past the Chimney Tops trail head.

The Chimney Tops

JoLynn, Jennifer and Jessica at the Hatfield and McCoy dinner show.

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