Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Goal Set and Met

Despite a late start, we did make it across Newfound Gap with no problems and arrived at Blackbearry Ridge at 4:30 pm.  Almost immediately, the truck was fired up and off to Home Depot we headed for lumber.  Our goal this weekend was to install top portion of drywall over the stairs, which is in an awkward location.  To accomplish this, we needed to build a sturdy scaffold over the stairwell that would still allow us to use the stairs.

Saturday morning was productive and the scaffold was built.  Then prior to lunch we headed back to Home Depot for some additional supplies.  Then we had a few challenges that required taking down the the existing molding and also removing the ceiling beam.  All of this just to be able to remove the paneling.  As in all our remodeling projects, the surprises take a few extra hours but we are always victorious.  The last piece of drywall was installed around 7:30 pm.  It was later than expected, but we had reached our goal.

Now in the near future comes the taping, mudding and sanding.  Oh brother!

The challenge of removing the paneling and then installing drywall.

The stairwell that need to been spanned by the scaffolding.
A view of the completed scaffolding from the kitchen area.
The span over the stairwell still allows us to use the stairs.

Cookie inspects the scaffolding.

All the paneling, molding and the beam are removed.  This was required because the paneling was installed first, then molding and finally the beam.

The first sheet of drywall is installed.

Mission accomplished.  A very long but satisfying day.

There were moments of looking at Mt. LeConte and the snow at the peaks.  It arrived on Saturday but was gone on  Sunday.  We had clear passage coming and going across Newfound Gap this weekend.
Cookie loves standing on Brent's shoulder and sticking her head out of the sunroof as we drive through the Smoky Mountain National Park.


  1. Looks good! Secret admirer from the Birmingham area!!! Hobbies include wood chopping!!

  2. Ok wood chopper. Look forward to starting the second floor expansion when ya'll come back
