Monday, March 26, 2012

Sanding, Vacuum, Sanding Some More

Well we were able to put in a couple of days of work over the weekend as the girls head back to UT for thier final five (5) weeks of undergraduate school.  Their graduation date is May 11th.

Brent spent a lot of time on Saturday sanding the second coat of mud and the applying the third coat.  JoLynn had a lot of fun vacuuming the dust and she was able to apply a prime coat on the column material.  We did head into Sevierville just before lunch to get a few things from Home Depot.  We also took a few detours to some thrift stores and did make a stop for groceries at Kroger.  On the way back to Blackbearry Ridge, we stop by a bakery in Wears Valley to sample their cakes and then placed an order for the girls graduation cake.

On Sunday, the third coat was sanded with a few items that required another coat, but the overall wall turned out great.  We also were able to apply three (3) finish coats on the columns and installed two (2) full columns on the stairway.

The work this weekend was hampered by rain which prevented Brent from cutting wood outside.  We do expect to apply the primer and two (2) finish coats on the wall this upcoming weekend along with painting all the stair risers and skirt boards.  JoLynn should be able to start staining the stair treads which should be installed over the final few weekends in April after all the finish painting is compete.

We can post any progress pictures this week because the camera was left at Blackbearry Ridge.

The first time (that we know about) that the "Beetle" and the "Spyder" enter the Smoky Mountains.
Jessica in her "bug".  Looks like she has her mp3 connected.

Jennifer about to head to UT in her Spyder.

Heading back to UT after successfully backing down the drive way.

The dogwood tree in front did not bloom as much as last year but it still is pretty.

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