Monday, March 19, 2012

A Spyder and Beetle

We headed over to Gatlinburg Friday afternoon too late to perform any sanding on the wall.  Saturday, we were able to sand the sheet rock and apply another coat.  Brent was able to face another beam on the stairwell and install the small amount of sheet rock on the side of the stair well that opens to the den.  Got up early Sunday and headed back early with the girls in tow.

We surprised them each with a convertible for their upcoming UT graduation on May 11, 2012.  Jennifer got an orange Mitsubishi Spyder and Jessica received a Volkswagen Beetle.  The were both surprised excited and appreciative.  We topped it off with each driving us to eat lunch at Pappadeauxs.

It was a great day.

Jessica's Beetle on the left and Jennifer's Spyder on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Nice cars! Anna saw the pictures last night.
