Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Shower for Jillian

On Saturday, the temperature rose enough to melt the ice such that Jennifer and Jessica headed up to Evansville, IN in the VW Beetle.  The church Renee and Greg attend were holding a shower for Renee on Sunday at 2:00 pm and Jennifer and Jessica braved the weather with the motto of  "neither snow nor ice nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these two from attending the shower".

Not that it was rigged or anything but Jennifer won the door prize and Jessica won the game contest, so with Renee getting all the gifts, the Conley's took home all the loot.  In fact even Cookie sent a gift to the shower for Jillian.  Needless to say the girls had a great time at the shower and their time with Renee and Greg in Evansville.  They safely returned on Monday.

We are now down to less than one (1) month before the arrival of Jillian Grace and we become Gram and Pappy.

Opening gifts.

Ok I am ready to open the next gift.

"Winner Winner Chicken Dinner".

I really like the blanket that Cookie picked out.

Back from the shower and ready to go to Menards.

The grateful couple display their gifts from the shower.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Ice on The Ridge

We arrived last night (Thursday) at The Ridge just ahead of the winter storm warning.  Turns out it was not warning but we have been hit at The Ridge by ice.  It is sort of strange as it is falling as rain and then freezing on the ground.  The sun has not been seen today and the roads are glazed with ice which is not a good combination with the mountains.  Looks like Gatlinburg is not getting hit as hard as Knoxville.

Jennifer and Jessica were scheduled to leave today for Evansville, IN, but had to delay and hopefully will be able to leave tomorrow morning.  They are going to the baby shower for Renee on Sunday.

The top lamp has icicles.
The dogwood tree is coated in ice.

Rhododendron on the side yard.

Ice is everywhere.

This rhododendron is curling and prepared for the winter storm.

The dogwood tree.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Landslide on US 441

As mentioned in our previous posting yesterday the road we normally travel each week to and from The Ridge had a landslide on January 16, 2013.  Instead of heading through Cherokee and GSMNP to Gatlinburg from Dillsboro, we now head to I-40 through Waynesville.  This detour adds about 30 minutes to our drive.  

Below is a link and official statement from the GSMNP:

Newfound Gap Road (US-441) between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC is closed to through traffic due to a landslide at Mile Marker 22 on the North Carolina side of the park. 

At this time, access to Newfound Gap from the Gatlinburg entrance in Tennessee is closed to all traffic due to ice and snow. Access to Smokemont campground is permitted from the Cherokee entrance in North Carolina.

This link will show a video of the slide.

The wash-out on 441.
The road is now in the river.
Glad we were not driving to or from Gatlinburg in the dark and run into this situation.  I doubt we would have had time to stop.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Heading to the Finish Line with the Downstairs Hall

This weekend at The Ridge, work continued on the downstairs hall and the wall below the stairs.  More fun and enjoyment was obtained by sanding.  Oh yea sanding.  It was sanding sheet rock and wood.  Then after the sanding came the clean-up of all the dust.

One application of the primer was applied to the walls, so we expect to get a final coat up next week.  There are a few small spots that will require a touch-up and light sanding, which is noticeable once the primer is applied.

The road through the park is closed, but not due to snow and ice.  There was a land slide on the NC of 441 which looks like it will take a few months.  This will add about 30 minutes to our drives.

Traveling over on Friday the day after the snow storm, there was no snow in NC till we  reached Waynesville.  We did run into a couple of thrift stores in North Carolina between Franklin and Dillsboro and picked up a small antique parlor chair.  There was about 4 inches on the ground at The Ridge when we arrived and still some on the ground when we left today.

The wall below the stairs is ready for its first sanding.

Sanding and applying the second coat of mud.
Some of the sheet rock dust produced by sanding.

The downstairs hall after a coat of primer.
Cookie stakes her claim on the parlor chair.  This will be used as a child's chair at The Ridge.

The prized 1940's club chair obtained last year from the Salvation Army in Sevierville, TN.

Brent had his chair recovered during Christmas.
Wait a minute...maybe it is Cookie's chair.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Shoveling Snow is Fun?

Well the new day has arrived and it looks like Blackbearry Ridge received around 4 to 5 inches of snow.  Jennifer and Jessica shoveled the driveway last night to lessen the burden because the forecast of about 10 inches was issued.  The walkway and driveway are clear as they have shoveled again this morning and applied a layer of salt.  I am not sure if they think this fun, but I will be sure to ask.  They sent the pictures this morning.

We are heading out from Atlanta around noon.

With the sun out, the driveway should be clear of ice.

Cookie is looking forward to playing in the snow in our side yard.

Glad to see the firewood is covered.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gatlinburg - Winter Weather Advisory

Talked with Jennifer and Jessica in the mid-afternoon and the snow had just started.  Huge flakes were falling and I do not mean the tourist.  Luckily they are not scheduled to work tomorrow or the weekend as the forecast varies between an expected 10 to 16 inches.

Wednesday they went to the grocery store after work to get all the need supplies to last a few days if the roads are closed.  Also they went and got haircuts and once again Jennifer made a donation to the "Locks for Love" foundation, which rewarded her with a free haircut.  This is the second time in about  20 months that Jennifer has made a hair donation.

Looks like we will wait till the morning to drive up from Atlanta..............but you never know, Brent does like to drive at night.

Picture taken as the first flakes start to fall.  You can see how hard it is snowing.

Jessica is salting the driveway.

Just in the short time to walk down the street is already covered.

If you look at the top picture and this one, the time difference is about five (5) minutes.  Jessica called about  two (2) hours later to inform me that we had about 2 inches on the ground and it was still snowing hard.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Six Weeks Left & All Systems Go

It was a quick but fun trip to Evansville, IN this weekend.  We are down to six (6) weeks till the arrival of Jillian Grace and can hardly wait.  The church that Renee and Greg attend is giving a baby shower on the 27th and Jennifer and Jessica plan to attend as they have not been to Evansville, since the time we helped move and unload them back in July 2010.

Renee goes back to the doctor this Thursday so we should get an update then.  The first part of the weekend was great as we had clear skies and warm temperatures near 70 degrees Fahrenheit.   Then Saturday evening the front came in and greeted us with a tornado warning.  The tornado sirens were blaring and the rain was coming down hard.  Then about an hour later the temperature dropped.  On Sunday morning we had a light rain but it was accompanied with 34 degree temperature and heavy winds.

Our drive back to Atlanta was extended an extra hour due to driving conditions as we drove back the entire way with heavy rain and low temps, but the trip was well worth the effort with the time we got to spend with the kids.

The expecting parents.

Comparing bellies.

JoLynn with the kids.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Evansville or Bust, I hope not Bust

Well, Gram and Pappy are heading up to Evansville, IN today to see Renee and Greg and to check on the progress of Jillian Grace.  I am sure we will make a few stops at certain thrift stores on our journey.

This is a picture of the clouds that rolled in and covered Gatlinburg on Christmas morning.  So in an un-traditional manner, we had a white Christmas.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Downstairs Hall

Well this weekend was an inside working weekend, at least for Brent.  The final sanding was performed on the downstairs hall and the prime coat was applied to the walls and ceiling.  Later he applied two (2) coats of  paint on the ceiling.  The green coats on the wall will be applied during our next visit.

Also, the columns on the staircase were enclosed and wood filler was applied to the nail holes and gaps to make the final results look perfect.  On the wall below the stairs, Brent applied the first coat of mud.

The 1930's club chair that we picked up from the Salvation Army in Sevierville, TN over a year ago was finally re-covered.  We took the chair to a local upholster between Christmas and New Years and picked it up on Saturday.  We love it!

This upcoming weekend we are headed up to Evansville, IN to see Jillian and her parents.  The last time we saw Greg and Renee was the week before Thanksgiving.  We are looking forward to seeing how much Jillian has grown as her arrival date is now down to about six (6) weeks.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

GSMNP - Elkmont and Greenbrier

On December 30, 2012, Brent and Pa Pa Neal headed into the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and stopped at two (2) of their favorite locations, Elkmont campground and the Greenbrier Area.  The high for the day was in the mid 20's with the previous day light snow still on the ground.

Pa Pa Neal standing on the bridge at Elkmont with his hands in his pockets.

It is great to be in the Smoky Mountains.

We camped up the river on the right several years ago.

Looking up the river at Elkmont.

Pa Pa Neal is not too sure if he wants to go back to school at 81.

View of Mt. LeConte from the house.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ready for Renovation in 2013

Work continues in 2013 at The Ridge.  The sheet rock was installed, mud and sanded before we took a break during the Holidays.  The primer will be applied to the ceiling and walls on Friday night and the first of two (2) coats of paint applied on Saturday.

The final pieces of sheet rock being installed.
The final application of mud was installed and the sanding is complete.
Now that the corner at the bottom of the stairs has been completed, the green color will flow into the hall.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013 from downtown Gatlinburg

What has become a tradition for us in East Tennessee, we celebrated with a few thousand people the dropping of the ball in downtown Gatlinburg.  It was in the upper 20's but with the crowd it did not feel that cold.  We hope everyone has a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Waiting for the ball to drop in downtown Gatlinburg.

The countdown to 2013 and lots of fireworks.

These three (3) were causing all kinds of trouble in Gatlinburg.  Where is the police when you need them?

A few thousand others had the same idea to celebrate in downtown Gatlinburg.

Jennifer is enjoying the New Year.

A brand new look for Jessica in 2013.