Monday, January 7, 2013

Downstairs Hall

Well this weekend was an inside working weekend, at least for Brent.  The final sanding was performed on the downstairs hall and the prime coat was applied to the walls and ceiling.  Later he applied two (2) coats of  paint on the ceiling.  The green coats on the wall will be applied during our next visit.

Also, the columns on the staircase were enclosed and wood filler was applied to the nail holes and gaps to make the final results look perfect.  On the wall below the stairs, Brent applied the first coat of mud.

The 1930's club chair that we picked up from the Salvation Army in Sevierville, TN over a year ago was finally re-covered.  We took the chair to a local upholster between Christmas and New Years and picked it up on Saturday.  We love it!

This upcoming weekend we are headed up to Evansville, IN to see Jillian and her parents.  The last time we saw Greg and Renee was the week before Thanksgiving.  We are looking forward to seeing how much Jillian has grown as her arrival date is now down to about six (6) weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep the news coming.
