Sunday, January 20, 2013

Heading to the Finish Line with the Downstairs Hall

This weekend at The Ridge, work continued on the downstairs hall and the wall below the stairs.  More fun and enjoyment was obtained by sanding.  Oh yea sanding.  It was sanding sheet rock and wood.  Then after the sanding came the clean-up of all the dust.

One application of the primer was applied to the walls, so we expect to get a final coat up next week.  There are a few small spots that will require a touch-up and light sanding, which is noticeable once the primer is applied.

The road through the park is closed, but not due to snow and ice.  There was a land slide on the NC of 441 which looks like it will take a few months.  This will add about 30 minutes to our drives.

Traveling over on Friday the day after the snow storm, there was no snow in NC till we  reached Waynesville.  We did run into a couple of thrift stores in North Carolina between Franklin and Dillsboro and picked up a small antique parlor chair.  There was about 4 inches on the ground at The Ridge when we arrived and still some on the ground when we left today.

The wall below the stairs is ready for its first sanding.

Sanding and applying the second coat of mud.
Some of the sheet rock dust produced by sanding.

The downstairs hall after a coat of primer.
Cookie stakes her claim on the parlor chair.  This will be used as a child's chair at The Ridge.

The prized 1940's club chair obtained last year from the Salvation Army in Sevierville, TN.

Brent had his chair recovered during Christmas.
Wait a minute...maybe it is Cookie's chair.

1 comment:

  1. Neal and Bettie Conley nealnbettie@cox.netJanuary 21, 2013 at 7:45 AM

    Looks good!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
